Tuesday, 5 February 2013

My studio...

I am fortunate enough to have a whole room to use as my studio. I do share it with a couple of bags intended for Ebay and shelves worth of the boy's old WWE wrestling videos. But in all it's my own little room to get  creative in.

I often feel guilty that I don't spend enough time in it. Our house is always cold and the thought of leaving the living room (especially in the winter months) is never very inviting!
Today however, rather than dashing up and down the stairs grabbing materials and tools, I've settled my self down working. And it inspires me so much.

I'm actually sewing t-shirts for our WEARECHAMY Etsy shop. But when I take a moments break, I find myself rooting through my desk remembering pieces of art I want to make and in a couple of cases need to finish!

I'm pretty messy when I work. But it's just me, I've tried a billion and one times to put things away as I go but after about 5 minutes it's a bomb site again! Really I think it's the nature of my work and myself. It's very eclectic and having bits around me inspire me!

So today I thought I'd show you a few bits and bobs that are lying around before I give it a spring clean... (the pictures are a bit rubbish they're taken with my iPhone)

Blonde hair, Black hair me

Frames that need filling


Old Full Sketch books and my current one

My dolly from my pram when I was a wee lass.

 My Beautiful Diana Mini (who needs using more!)
and an old altered ornament made by me.               

The artwork from my little sisters tattoo,
an old piccy of me and my best buddy Cat.

One of my little antique box of treasures!

 This is where I've been working today on my beautiful old Singer.

And the company I've had today... 

Little Turk giving me the Stink eye!!

Amy xx

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